Wednesday, January 11, 2012

west coast east coast.

as im sure you will be hearing plenty about my upcoming summer, ive been planning like crazy and just have to share some fun right now!
the plan goes as thus:
1. my familys vacation this year is going to california, or as im preferring to call it: cali. we've been wanting to go for a while and now we finally are. flying into lax (ahh!!) and heading to disneyland, then to hollywood and los angles, next is the beaches nearby, then inland to the redwoods/yosemite (dads pick) and then up to san francisco (san fran to me!). im so excited to finally go to the west coast!!
2. me, maggie and laura as a birthday/christmas/graduation present to each other (and ourselves!) are going to road trip to nyc! its a 15 hour drive, we're taking maggies car (a hybrid-genius) andstaying at lauras uncles house (free!) a little ways outside of the city. the last week of june we shall be there-and im pumped!

ive been on polyvore lately...creating A TON of outfit ideas for both trips...not to spoil them all now, heres a few to start off with :)

heres a good idea of a plane ride there outfit- easy, comfortable, but adorable too! (how awesome is that backpack! im totally buying one for both trips-itll fit my huge camera and everything else!)
a good basic drive there outfit, simple, cute, comfy. also, totally getting me a hat like that. can you say adorable? 

thinking happy thoughts about summer! (if only it could come sooner!!) :)

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